Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama And His Associations

Obama's associations are an important issue because it speaks directly at his judgement. So, I hate when his campaign says that the Americans don't care about that stuff and lets talk about the issues. Yes, of course the economy is the most important issue, so I wish the Obama campaign would stop saying lets stick to the economy only. I think McCain is completely better on the economy anyways, but lets talk about that later. The thing is is there are more issues than just the economy. There are tons of issues facing this country at all times. There has never been a president who did not have to deal with some type of major issue during their presidency. That is why we as Americans need to look at each candidates past in order to get a good idea of their future. So, that is why I think Obama's associations are a very important issue and the Obama campaign knows this, which is why they are trying so hard to divert our attention from these associations by telling Americans that we are in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, LOL.

Look people, we had 30% unemployment during the Great Depression, we were about to be involved in the largest war on the planet ever and the houses crisis was ten times larger than the one now. In 1980 when President Regan took over, he took over with 10% unemployment, a very large deficit, a large debt, 12.5% inflation rate, and 21.5% intrest rates. When Regan left office, he left with 5% unemployment, 4% inflation, 12% intrest rates, and cold war ended. Right now we have only 6.1% unemployment, inflation is much lower, and intrest rates are at 6%. So how in the world is this financial crisis the worst one since the Great Depression? How can Americans be so ignorant to believe that it is the worst crisis since the Great Depression?

Yesterday the Dow had record increases which shows us that the market will rebound from the recent down turn. Out free market system will work for us now the same way it has for the last 100 years. Why should we elect this untested guy? Why should we elect a guy who pals around with racists, terorrists, and slum lords?

Why is it ok for Obama to sit in a church for 22 years listening to an extremely racist pastor giving his sermans? Why is it not an issue that Obama had relationships with an unrepentant terorrist? Why is it ok for Obama to help a convicted slum lord get government money for housing projects for African American communities and then buy land from the same convicted slum lord? I ask why?

What if it were McCain sitting in a white supremicing church for 22 years? Wouldn't that be the main topic of disscussion in the mainstream media? What if McCain was friends with Timothy Mcveigh after he bombed the ATF building and visited him in jail the months after his arrest? What if McCain helped to get funding for someone who was convicted of giving African Americans substandard living conditions?

If the associations were McCains associations then we would have a entirely different approach to them by our mainstream media in this country. The mainstream media will not talk about Obama'a associations because they know if they do the American people will surely elect John McCain a republican to be our next President and they can't stand the thought of another republican holding the highest office for another 4 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent observations! There's a reason we have the saying, "Bad company corrupts good character". Those with whom you associate affect your world view whether you like it or not. There's another saying that is even more applicable here: "Birds of a feather flock together." Too bad our nation did not have the good sense to judge Obama by the company he keeps.....