Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Economic Frustrations In The Elections

Each day I grow even more frustrated when I hear Obama is the one benifiting from this economic crisis. Are people that naive in this country? Are people that uniformed in this country? I guess people do not understand that the democrats are the main culprits behind the sub prime mortgages. The democrats wanted loans made possible to low income families and minorities. Franklins Raines the CEO of Fannie Mae is on Obama's campaign staff. Democratic Representative Barney Frank was in charge of overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during this crisis. Barney Frank said on several occasions that these financial institutions were not in any danger. Maybe that is because Barney Frank also had a homosexual relationship with one of Fannie Mae's top executives during the 1990's when this whole mess began.

John McCain in 2005 co-sponsored a bill to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This bill was rejected by the democrats.

John McCain needs to get angry and fight back when these democrats try to put their own mess on him! This is the most ridiculous stuff I have ever heard in my entire life! The same people who wanted these institutions to give money to people who could not pay it back are now the same people blaming the other side of the aisle. The worst thing about this is that Americans are so stupid that they believe this crap. Americans watch the bias news agencies and think they are getting the truth.

I mean come on, Obama has received the third most money ever from Fannie Mae in campaign contributions, ever! He is only a three year senator. The democrats were in bed with these institutions for years and now they are blaming the republicans. The reason they are getting away with it is because they tell everyone it is Bush policies that got us to this point. And Americans are so dissatisfied with Bush that they believe he had something to do with everything, which is not true.

Americans need to wake the f--- up. Obama is planning $1,500,000,000,000.00 of new spending. This is more than twice the amount that America has spent in the 5 years we have been at war in Iraq. More than twice! He is going to raise social security tax, death tax, capital gains tax, rich tax, and taxes on large corporations.

How do Americans think that these corporations are going to make up this loss on these higher taxes? They are going to pass the cost onto the consumer which is you, the middle class. Isn't the middle class who Obama said he was going to give tax cuts too? Seriously this is what will happen. In the end the taxes will be evenly distributed, trust me. Their is no way the middle class will avoid the extra costs of this new government spending in which Obama plans.

What do Americans think will happen if Obama doubles capital gains taxes during this crisis? It will deter investment which is needed to grow this economy. Will this help companies to add new jobs, do you think? Do you think doubling the capital gains tax will attract foreign investment which is so badly needed? I don't think so. I think it will send investment to other countries where there is no capital gains taxes. Which will create new jobs in other countries.

McCain has a history of voting for lower taxes for everyone including the middle class. Obama has history of voting for higher taxes including the middle class. McCain has history of working across the aisle with democrats and Obama does not.
This is why I am so frustrated with my country. Why is Obama benefiting from this economic crisis? It just does not make any sense unless Americans truly want to change into a socialistic country.

If you vote for Obama you are voting for higher taxes, less jobs, more government, weaker military, socialism, radicalism, no drilling and inexperience.

McCain is for less spending, smaller government, lower taxes for everyone including rich people, stronger military and capitalism.

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