Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Death Of Capitalism

These first 71 day's of this new regime have been far worse than I had anticipated. There were times during President Obama's campaign which I thought maybe, just maybe he could possibly govern from the center, but now, we all know that that will never happen. He is governing in the the way you would expect from looking at his past and not in the way he had presented during his campaign. I guess I should say that I am not in the least bit surprised, when take in account his past.

Seriously, how could anyone be surprised? Obama was a member of a radical Marxist church for over twenty years. A church he admittedly attended at least twice a month during that period. A church with a radical pastor who said hateful things about this country. A pastor who also used racial slurs as well. This pastor said these sort of things on a regular basis during his sermons. This is a pastor which President Obama considered his mentor. Reverend Jeremiah Wright married Obama and Michelle as well as baptising his children. The point I am trying to make is, if someone sits in a church where hatred for America and racism is a common topic then that someone must agree with at least some of it on some kind of level.

There were other signs from his past other than his relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. There were the videos and tapes of him saying that he agreed with spreading the wealth around. He has also always been very vocal about starting national health care. President Obama is a Socialist without a doubt and possibly much worse.

If people can not realize that this President is a socialist by now after these first 71 days, then I have little confidence in the intelligence of the American People. Look at the bill he signed which they like to call a stimulus bill but is really a far left agenda bill. It is a bill which expands the government further into our lives. And every time he tries to sell this bill to the American People, he stresses the infrastructure aspect of the bill, but what he fails to tell the American People is that only 5% of the monstrous bill will actually go towards infrastructure! The rest of the bill goes towards things to further the left movement.

Capitalism is dieing right before our eyes and people should be completely outraged. People should be taking to the streets to demand that this stops immediately. This country is the envy of the world because of our freedoms, free market and capitalism which has created our extraordinary wealth. Although, now, all of this is in jeopardy.

For the first time in America's history a President has fired a CEO of a private company and put in the person he wants. For the first time in our history a President has asked the Congress for the power to take over a company which he feels presents a threat to our economy. For the first time in our history a President wants to set limits on how much money a company can pay their executives.

This is very dangerous stuff my friends. If he wants to set limits on executives pay, then who's next? What other companies or industries will he take over next? What qualifies President Obama to run these companies and industries? I'll tell you what, NOTHING!!! He has absolutely no business experience what so ever. Besides, that is not the role of government!!! Government should not be making decisions in the private sector at all, period!

The more I watch this President on TV speaking the more I think that he is an enemy of capitalism. Capitalism is what makes this country so great. Capitalism is what drives people to work hard and strive for success. The reason America's economy has always been better than the rest of the world is basically because the Government has always stayed out of things. In America if you work hard, get an education and work up the ladder then you can earn more money. This is the basic philosophy of capitalism. The reason there are so many great entrepreneurs in this country is because the incentives are good. If you start a successful business here in this country you will be able to keep most of your success. This is very important because this is what moves our economy in a positive direction which ultimately helps everyone by creating jobs for people.

Socialism does not work. It does not work because you can not tax all of the productive people's success in order to pay for the unproductive part of society. This will cause the productive people to be less productive because there is no incentive to work harder. Think about it, the harder you work the more you have to pay in taxes for people who do not work as hard. Why? Entitlement programs are killing European countries and they will kill us too if we go down this road.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The End Of America As We Know It

This country is going to change in a dramatic way now that Obama has won this election. Our entire way of life is going to be in jeopardy now. We are going to have a massive government telling us how to live our life and how to spend our money. Obama is going to take our money and spend it as he sees fit. The new Democratic House, Senate and President are going to change everything about this country. They are going to create a massive government that will grow with each piece of legislation in which they will put forth.

Wow, all I can say is, what a disaster? People have no idea what they have just unleashed by voting for this guy. People have no idea what is going happen to their pocket book. This new President Obama is going to create a new welfare state. He is going to put an entirely new meanings to the words "Entitlement Programs". I guess people think that they will not be the ones paying for these new programs. What fools!

So for me, tonight is the beginning of the end. I believe tonight marks to beginning of the destruction of our capitalistic free market system, which has made this country so powerful. Tonight I believe that all ends. America will no longer be the most powerful country on the planet economical or militarily.

It will be very interesting to see how these next four years play out. If they play out the way I believe they will, we will be in a extremely bad economic way. And guess what, President Obama will still blame President Bush for the problems. The reason I know this is last night in his acceptance speech he told everyone that it will take a very long time to fix the problems he is inheriting from this administration. He even went on to say he probably could not live up to his promises in his first term. Wow, he campaigns on this stuff and then in his first speech tells everyone that it all might not be possible. Well, let me save you the suspense, it's not possible! He will not live up to any of his entitlement program promises because why? Because there is NO MONEY! There is no money in this government to pay for any of his plans. He would have to raise taxes to destructive heights, which I don't think he will do because he will destroy what is left of our economy.

I do hope that he will not be stupid and try to raise taxes on these corporations like he says he will. Hopefully he will have an economic adviser that will tell him that that will ruin companies which will cause the lay offs of many people which he said he was going to help.
We can only hope!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama And His Associations

Obama's associations are an important issue because it speaks directly at his judgement. So, I hate when his campaign says that the Americans don't care about that stuff and lets talk about the issues. Yes, of course the economy is the most important issue, so I wish the Obama campaign would stop saying lets stick to the economy only. I think McCain is completely better on the economy anyways, but lets talk about that later. The thing is is there are more issues than just the economy. There are tons of issues facing this country at all times. There has never been a president who did not have to deal with some type of major issue during their presidency. That is why we as Americans need to look at each candidates past in order to get a good idea of their future. So, that is why I think Obama's associations are a very important issue and the Obama campaign knows this, which is why they are trying so hard to divert our attention from these associations by telling Americans that we are in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, LOL.

Look people, we had 30% unemployment during the Great Depression, we were about to be involved in the largest war on the planet ever and the houses crisis was ten times larger than the one now. In 1980 when President Regan took over, he took over with 10% unemployment, a very large deficit, a large debt, 12.5% inflation rate, and 21.5% intrest rates. When Regan left office, he left with 5% unemployment, 4% inflation, 12% intrest rates, and cold war ended. Right now we have only 6.1% unemployment, inflation is much lower, and intrest rates are at 6%. So how in the world is this financial crisis the worst one since the Great Depression? How can Americans be so ignorant to believe that it is the worst crisis since the Great Depression?

Yesterday the Dow had record increases which shows us that the market will rebound from the recent down turn. Out free market system will work for us now the same way it has for the last 100 years. Why should we elect this untested guy? Why should we elect a guy who pals around with racists, terorrists, and slum lords?

Why is it ok for Obama to sit in a church for 22 years listening to an extremely racist pastor giving his sermans? Why is it not an issue that Obama had relationships with an unrepentant terorrist? Why is it ok for Obama to help a convicted slum lord get government money for housing projects for African American communities and then buy land from the same convicted slum lord? I ask why?

What if it were McCain sitting in a white supremicing church for 22 years? Wouldn't that be the main topic of disscussion in the mainstream media? What if McCain was friends with Timothy Mcveigh after he bombed the ATF building and visited him in jail the months after his arrest? What if McCain helped to get funding for someone who was convicted of giving African Americans substandard living conditions?

If the associations were McCains associations then we would have a entirely different approach to them by our mainstream media in this country. The mainstream media will not talk about Obama'a associations because they know if they do the American people will surely elect John McCain a republican to be our next President and they can't stand the thought of another republican holding the highest office for another 4 years.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Moment Of Truth

In recent days I have been feeling more and more discouraged about what the outcome of this election will become. Each day we get closer I hear more people discussing the election and extending their opinion about each candidate's policies. If there is one thing I have realized more than anything else during these discussions is, Obama is very good at getting people to believe that they will not be subjected to the higher taxes needed in order to pay for his plans. People really believe they won't be paying the price tag for all of Obama's added programs. Poor people think that the rich will be the only ones who will pay the extra cost for his plans.

Well, all I can say is that everybody better think again because it is all bull. There is no possible way the middle class can get out of paying for Obama's new programs. First of all, Obama openly says he will eliminate the Bush tax cuts which will affect everyone making more than forty two thousand dollars a year. This is a very clever way of raising taxes on the middle class without making it look like he was the one responsible for doing so. Of course he is making it look like it is Bush's fault but when in reality it is just Obama raising taxes. Another news flash to every Obama supporter out there is that big corporations don't pay taxes. They collect taxes, from the consumers of their products or services by simply raising the cost. So what does that mean? It means we the middle class will pay the new corporate taxes which Obama plans on raising when he takes office. Just to give a quick example, lets say someone who is only making $20,000 a year is saving their hard earned money to finally buy that flat screened TV they have always wanted. Well, they will actually pay 20% more for that TV if Obama gets elected. So, if that TV cost $2,000 it will now cost $2,400 plus the sales tax on top of the extra cost which will also be more than before because the percentage will be more. And by my understanding, I thought Obama said "Only if you make $250,000 a year or more you will pay higher taxes.", but this person who makes $20,000 a year is going to pay $424 more for their TV. My friends that is raising taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year in a clever way.

The thing that bothers me the most about this, is that Obama is a very educated man, which means he knows all of this is going to happen. He knows the middle class will ultimately pay his higher taxes but yet continues to campaign on slogans that say he is going to give the middle class tax cuts. Obama knows the corporations are going to raise their costs on us after he raises their taxes 13% but yet he still tells us he is looking out for us. Obama knows, that after these corporations raise their costs, they might not sell as much of their product as before, which will force them to cut our jobs. These corporations will have to cut good jobs which give good benefits but yet Obama says he is looking out for us, the middle class. Face it people, the cost of everything will go up. Our grocery bills will go up, our electric bills will go up, our fuel costs will go up, all of our bills will go up, but yet Obama insits he will not raise our taxes! Yes, maybe our tax bill will not go up but every other bill will go up, so what is the difference?

I say Obama is as phoney as they come. He is playing class warfare which is extremely dangerous in this country. This country has been running on capitalism for over a hundred years and has been very successful in doing so. So because of one recession, one of many recessions, we are now going to change they way we run our great country. Come on people, socialism is not something we should experiment with during these difficult times or any times for that matter. Socialism is expensive and means big government telling us what to do with our money. Is that what we Americans really want? I don't believe Americans really want what Obama is trying to sell us. I do believe Americans are really upset with George Bush, the same as I am and believe Obama when he says, McCain will be just like Bush. Although, Americans voting with these kinds of emotions, I believe will be very damaging to our country.

It is actually quite sad to be honest. Just because one republican president does a bad job in the white house, Americans are willing to give up our way of life which we have been living for so long by casting a vote for Obama. Look I know that sounds a little dramatic but it is true if you are paying attention to what it is that Obama wants to do when he takes office. Obama wants government to do everything for everyone instead of us doing for ourselves which is socialism. He wants to spend our money the way he sees fit.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Unfortunate Future

This election season is going in the wrong direction to say the least. I am in total disbelief as well as completely frustrated when I hear Americans say that Obama is better on the economy than McCain. I ask myself, "Can Americans be that ignorant, when it comes to this robin hood method of running our country?". Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has been trying that robin hood method of running his country for several years now, which has been failing miserably.

I guess the reason Americans are buying into this message from Obama is because it is being pounded into their heads on a constant basis by the bias mainstream media. Also, Obama has approximately $70 million a month to work with for advertising which is why every time you turn on the radio or the TV you hear Obama saying, "95% of Americans are going to get a tax cut while the top 5% are going to get increases". This is so funny because 41% of Americans don't even pay federal income taxes, so how could you cut what they don't pay. Another fact under the current tax system is that the top 5% earning Americans already pay 67% of the federal taxes and the top 1% pays 30% of the federal taxes. So, how much does Obama plan on making the top 5% pay?

These are facts of which most Americans are totally unaware. Many of those 41% of Americans who do not pay any federal taxes, probably think that they do pay taxes. They are probably confusing social security taxes and medicare taxes with federal taxes. Since these people think they are paying federal taxes they also think that it is so great that Obama is going to cut their taxes. This is so misleading because these voters are basing their decisions on false information. These people are also unaware that if Obama increases the taxes on Corporate America it will only be passed onto them. These companies will just pass the added cost of taxes onto us the consumers. Since, the prices of these goods and services are going to increase because of the increase in taxes they will be forced to pay under Obama's new tax plan, they will probably sell less. If they sell less product that will obviously mean less profit which will ultimately lead to laying off workers. Either way you look at it, we the middle class are going to pay for Obama's tax increases. This is why I am so frustrated when I hear people say, "Obama is thinking about the poor people, and is only going to tax the rich.".

Also, I am very angry at McCain for not defending his positions on taxes much stronger than he has been. McCain needs to get angry out there on the debate floor and defend his positions on tax cuts for big corporations. These corporations are hurting, which is what is causing this country to go into a recession. Taxing these companies even more will only make the situation worse than it already is now. These companies will cut jobs, spending, and benefits if they are taxed more in these ruff times. Which jobs will they cut? The middle class jobs will be the first ones to be cut. So, how is it that Obama thinks he is looking out for us, when he is causing our companies to lay us off from our jobs.

What Obama and Obama supporters do not understand is that everybody needs their taxes cut during these times as well as government spending needs to be suspended for a while. Which means we need to make some sacrifices in order to move forward. The first concern needs to be getting the market stable again which will naturally create more jobs and bring in more revenue which will ultimately bring more taxes in the end. After that is accomplished, we can begin to pay down the deficit. I think Americans forget that we have had large deficits before and managed to pay them off and we have never accomplished that by raising taxes. When Ronald Regan took office, he took office with a large deficit, double digit unemployment and he lowered taxes which eventually got us out of debt and lowered unemployment. The way Ronald Regan did that was by lowering taxes on everyone. Lowering taxes in tough times is the single most important thing the government can do to help the country recover from a recession.

McCain's tax plan will bring relief to everyone including the middle class, rich people, and large corporations. This will stimulate the economy by keeping the money where it belongs, out of the hands of a bureaucrat. The government will only waste the money as they always have before. Income redistribution will not work and it is not fair. One of the greatest things about this country is that if you work hard and educate yourself, you can make yourself rich. Now, why should you share your hard work with someone who is not willing to go that extra mile. I don't know, maybe it is just me, but I do not pity anyone who has four children and is struggling to get make ends meet. They should have learned from the first child. My wife and I make pretty good money and we desire to have children one day, but we are waiting until our financial situation is good enough for us to have a child. We share a car, we don't eat out, we budget our weekly spending, we invest all of our extra money and we do all of this in an effort to save money for our future. This is why I do not pity the irresponsible people who keep having children and can not afford too. Why should I be responsible and pay their mistakes?

Last night on the news they showed a plumber asking Obama about his tax plan and Obama replied by saying, "I am going to raise your taxes, because we need to spread the wealth around to everyone." All I can say is Wow, with a capital "W"! Listen to that message of socialism. Basically, what this means is, if you sacrifice, work hard, stay up late studying for a degree and become successful you will be able to contribute more to the people who do not. Responsible people carry the burden of the irresponsible people under Obama's philosophy of government.

Anyone who is reading this is probably thinking that I am really cold person, but actually I am not. I do not mind helping people who truly can not do for themselves. For example, someone who has a disability such as being paralysed, someone who is mentally challenged, a war veteran with a missing limb, someone who is dying from cancer or a child born with aids and so on. Of course their are always some people who could not make it in life without the help of the government which is totally acceptable. In some cases I think we do not do enough for some people.

Although, on the hand the government is helping totally capable people with things that they should be doing for themselves. No matter how good or bad the economy is these are the same people who always have their hands out looking for the rest of us to support them. These are the people for whom I have absolutely no pity for and I could care less whether they live in house or in a cardboard box. And if they have kids then government should take them or the government should give them vouchers for daycare, so that they can go to work and earn something in life. There should be a work for welfare program. No one should just get a check from the government without preconditions. If not then where does it end?

There are many reasons not to vote for Obama but I believe the biggest one is his idea of socialism. Then their is his associations with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, Acorn and Tony Rezko. These are real relationships that people need to take into consideration. Reverend Jeremiah Wright is as racist as they come and Obama sat in his church for 20 years. Obama went to Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church twice a month for 20 years and claims he did not hear any of his racist talk. Does he really expect us to believe him. Reverend Jeremiah Wright married Barrack and Michelle as well as baptising his two children. Obama only distanced himself from Wright because of politics. And I hate when Obama says, "I was eight years old when William Ayers bombed the pentagon.". It isn't about whether Obama was part of it or not, but it is about his judgement. Our future President should not be sitting on the board with domestic terrorists. It does not matter how long ago the incident happened.

Also, Obama only has 7 total years of experience as a politician. In his two years as a senator he has never voted for lower taxes for the middle class but has voted for middle class tax increases. Yes, you did read that right, middle class tax increases. Four times to be exact. Isn't he the one saying he is going to cut the middle class taxes? It will never happen folks. It is all smoke and mirrors.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Clinton Versus Bush, Democrats Versus Repuplicans

One of the common assessments I hear quite often during this election is that the Clinton era was so much better than the Bush era in regards to the economy. This is a topic I have discussed many times with friends, family and strangers. Of course the economy was much better during the Clinton era. But lets take a look at why the economy was better, what made the economy better, and who made the economy better.

There are so many different factors when it comes to the economy. A good economy and a bad economy. One thing, we were in total peace time during the Clinton era. The Internet exploded onto the scene during the Clinton era and the last time I checked, Clinton did not invent the Internet. Along with the Internet, came the tech boom. This was the true driving force behind our economy during the Clinton era. Companies like "Yahoo", "Google", and "Amazon.com" came onto the scene in the 1990's. The Dot-Com Boom drove the market up so high and created so many jobs during the Clinton era. Also, these were good paying jobs which led to a real estate boom.

All was good until the bubble bursted in the late 1990's during Clinton's last two years in office, which continued right on into the beginning of the Bush era.

Also, people need to be reminded that there are three branches of federal government, which are the President, the House, and the Senate, each with fairly equal powers. When Clinton took office he had a democratically controlled House and Senate for the first two years until the republicans took over for his remaining six years. During Clinton's first two years he raised taxes on everyone including the middle class, which he, just like Obama said he was not going to but did anyway. It wasn't until the republicans took over the House and the Senate that taxes were cut on everyone including the big corporations.

Bush inherited an economy that was in the beginning stages of a recession. Then, as we all know in Bush's first year in office the horrible attacks of 911 took place which had devastating effects on our economy. It hurt our economy in so many ways that people do not even realize. The airlines were grounded for three days, which almost put them out of business. As a result to that the Government had to bailout the airline companies. The stock market took historical hits the months there after 911. Then of course we had to go to war with Afghanistan as direct result of 911. All of these things were playing factors in the downing of our economy.

As we can see it is the circumstances that can help a President look good or look bad. There is a lot of luck that comes into play with some of these things.

Now, in this present day economic situation it would be a drastic mistake to raise taxes on anyone, especially big corporations in which put the most money into our economy. People need to understand that if you tax the big corporations they will cut good jobs, they will pass the cost on to us, and there will be less money for growth. And growth is what creates new jobs.

Less taxes and less Government spending is the key to getting out of this economic crisis. We should let the people get us out of this mess not the Government.

Economic Frustrations In The Elections

Each day I grow even more frustrated when I hear Obama is the one benifiting from this economic crisis. Are people that naive in this country? Are people that uniformed in this country? I guess people do not understand that the democrats are the main culprits behind the sub prime mortgages. The democrats wanted loans made possible to low income families and minorities. Franklins Raines the CEO of Fannie Mae is on Obama's campaign staff. Democratic Representative Barney Frank was in charge of overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during this crisis. Barney Frank said on several occasions that these financial institutions were not in any danger. Maybe that is because Barney Frank also had a homosexual relationship with one of Fannie Mae's top executives during the 1990's when this whole mess began.

John McCain in 2005 co-sponsored a bill to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This bill was rejected by the democrats.

John McCain needs to get angry and fight back when these democrats try to put their own mess on him! This is the most ridiculous stuff I have ever heard in my entire life! The same people who wanted these institutions to give money to people who could not pay it back are now the same people blaming the other side of the aisle. The worst thing about this is that Americans are so stupid that they believe this crap. Americans watch the bias news agencies and think they are getting the truth.

I mean come on, Obama has received the third most money ever from Fannie Mae in campaign contributions, ever! He is only a three year senator. The democrats were in bed with these institutions for years and now they are blaming the republicans. The reason they are getting away with it is because they tell everyone it is Bush policies that got us to this point. And Americans are so dissatisfied with Bush that they believe he had something to do with everything, which is not true.

Americans need to wake the f--- up. Obama is planning $1,500,000,000,000.00 of new spending. This is more than twice the amount that America has spent in the 5 years we have been at war in Iraq. More than twice! He is going to raise social security tax, death tax, capital gains tax, rich tax, and taxes on large corporations.

How do Americans think that these corporations are going to make up this loss on these higher taxes? They are going to pass the cost onto the consumer which is you, the middle class. Isn't the middle class who Obama said he was going to give tax cuts too? Seriously this is what will happen. In the end the taxes will be evenly distributed, trust me. Their is no way the middle class will avoid the extra costs of this new government spending in which Obama plans.

What do Americans think will happen if Obama doubles capital gains taxes during this crisis? It will deter investment which is needed to grow this economy. Will this help companies to add new jobs, do you think? Do you think doubling the capital gains tax will attract foreign investment which is so badly needed? I don't think so. I think it will send investment to other countries where there is no capital gains taxes. Which will create new jobs in other countries.

McCain has a history of voting for lower taxes for everyone including the middle class. Obama has history of voting for higher taxes including the middle class. McCain has history of working across the aisle with democrats and Obama does not.
This is why I am so frustrated with my country. Why is Obama benefiting from this economic crisis? It just does not make any sense unless Americans truly want to change into a socialistic country.

If you vote for Obama you are voting for higher taxes, less jobs, more government, weaker military, socialism, radicalism, no drilling and inexperience.

McCain is for less spending, smaller government, lower taxes for everyone including rich people, stronger military and capitalism.